Past Conferences

42nd Conference 2020 Australia (Online)

Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education

Phoenix Rising from the Ashes, the 42nd Conference 2020

3 October – 4 October

Online (hosted by the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, The University of Melbourne in conjunction with Southern Cross University)

The Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education (ANZARME) is pleased to announce the 42nd Annual Conference. In 2020, the conference will be an online format hosted by MGSE and MCM, The University of Melbourne, in conjunction with SCU and ANZARME welcomes all researchers of music education, from beginning to experienced.


In response to the COVID-19 crisis, this year’s conference will run as an online event. Presenters are encouraged to submit an abstract through the ANZARME website for double blind review (deadline August 21). Successful presenters will then be invited to create a 15 minute video (in any format) of their presentation to be uploaded at least 2 weeks before the conference. Conference delegates will have the opportunity to watch presentations in advance, and take part in interactive online Q&A sessions over October 3 – 4. Details on abstracts and video submissions below.


The summer of 2019-2020 in Australia has been a time of devastating national events, with much of the nation drought-stricken and many places, people, property, livestock and wildlife destroyed by bushfires. New Zealand also experienced the tragedy of the White Island volcano eruption. In addition, both countries have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. These events, the circumstances leading to them and possible pathways for recovery are questions of global magnitude. Consequently, the theme for ANZARME’s 2020 Conference is Phoenix Rising from the Ashes.

Problems identified and solutions sought from the events of 2020 in Australia and New Zealand may be replicated in education, the arts and music; disciplines that not only reflect and respond to culture and the environment, but with the potential to also shape them.

Topics investigated in the ANZARME Conference may include (but are not limited to):

  • creating and nurturing healthy, sustainable and flexible learning environments
  • predicting future directions in music education and music professions and adapting courses and curricula to meet these challenges
  • preparing students for careers that encompass significant life changes and events
  • building resilience and recovery skills in learners, educators and musicians
  • the contribution of music to community welfare and human well-being
  • music as a vehicle of social, environmental and altruistic action and growth
  • the healing powers of music

Please note that papers that do not address the conference theme will also be accepted for consideration. The conference theme is intended as a guide. Participants, particularly beginning researchers and students undertaking research for the first time are invited to submit abstracts of their research that is work in progress. ANZARME provides a collegial and supportive environment for presentations.


Due to unprecedented demand, the ANZARME 2020 online conference is now closed for new abstract submissions.


Full participant / ANZARME membership: $50 (AUD)

Student / student membership: $25 (AUD)


Participants, particularly beginning researchers and students undertaking research for the first time are invited to submit abstracts of research proposals for work in progress.


To encourage new researchers, ANZARME provides two Post Graduate Research prizes; the Doreen Bridges Prize, and the David Sell Prize. Both awards are for promising research presented at the conference to Post Graduate students undertaking investigations in the field of music education. The prizes are awarded on the recommendations of a panel of adjudicators who attend the presentation. Previous winners are not eligible to apply. Student papers must be sole authored. Students must be currently enrolled in their research studies. 


Successful presenters are invited to create a 15 minute recording of their presentation using any suitable media format. Presentations can then be uploaded via the conference submission interactive PDF below. The PDF contains:

  • a powerpoint template for presentations
  • information on appropriate video formats
  • instructions on how to save and label presentations
  • instructions on how to upload presentations

Technical support is available at . Please head any inquiry as ‘Video submission problem’ in the subject line.

All video presentations must be uploaded before Friday September 27.